See why this is the stop smoking program to choose!
There is a lot of hype out there about how to quit smoking. Don’t believe everything you hear. At A Better You Hypnosis we have a proven track record of helping people stop smoking and we back it up with a Written Guarantee. It really is that simple.Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I have been smoking for 30 years and honestly believed I would never be able to stop smoking. After using your program as part of my last effort. I am now smoke-free and have been since Thanksgiving Day. I truly believe you gave me that little bit of extra support I needed and I can honestly say it has been painless. I have not had those crazy cravings I associated with previous attempts and do not ask me why, but I simply “know” I will never smoke another cigarette. Once again thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I am so thrilled words really can not express how impressed I am. After smoking a pack and a half of cigarettes a day for thirty years I now look forward to enjoying life as an adult who does not smoke!
– Pauline Brady
Treating the Problem at its Source
The smoking cessation program at A Better You Hypnosis works in severing your mental dependence to tobacco and permanently changing the way you perceive this unhealthy activity. We address the triggers, activities, and scenarios that encourage you to light up–and we give you an arsenal of tips and techniques that can help you to break the bonds of this threatening habit forever.Our Smoking Cessation Program Includes
- 2 – one-hour hypnosis sessions. (Can be in office or via Skype)
- 2 – 30 minute hypnosis Smoking Cessation audio sessions (MP3 digital downloads)
- Our 100% Iron Clad Smoking Cessation Service Guarantee (See below)
Our Smoking Cessation Written Service Guarantee